Here is a reference list to access global values within Twig:

For $_POST variables use this :

{{ app.request.parameter.get("page") }}

For $_GET variables use this :

{{ app.request.query.get("page") }}

For $_COOKIE variables use this :

{{ app.request.cookies.get("page") }}

For $_SESSION variables use this :

{{ app.request.session.get("page") }}

For more Symfony Twig shortcuts, view the Twig Cheatsheet with recent updates added, a perfect reference for Symfony web developers.

I like to reuse code as much as possible and if there’s underyling data in something I’ll use again, I’ll put that data in some extractable form in an EAV (Entity, Attribute, Value) database table so I don’t need to maintain the data anywhere except one place.

So in the example below where the variable $jsonText is being assigned, I actually have a method called getFormChoices(‘states’) that pulls this $jsonText automatically, from anywhere.  In Symfony, the getFormChoices() is a method I use in a base repository class that all other repositories extend and therefore inherit automatically.  This is efficient since certain higher-level global functions are all accessible and maintained in a single “Base Repository” class.


$jsonText='{"AL" : "Alabama", "AK" : "Alaska", "AZ" : "Arizona", "AR" : "Arkansas", "CA" : "California", "CO" : "Colorado", "CT" : "Connecticut", "DE" : "Delaware", "FL" : "Florida", "GA" : "Georgia", "HI" : "Hawaii", "ID" : "Idaho", "IL" : "Illinois", "IN" : "Indiana", "IA" : "Iowa", "KS" : "Kansas", "KY" : "Kentucky", "LA" : "Louisiana", "ME" : "Maine", "MD" : "Maryland", "MA" : "Massachusetts", "MI" : "Michigan", "MN" : "Minnesota", "MS" : "Mississippi", "MO" : "Missouri", "MT" : "Montana", "NE" : "Nebraska", "NV" : "Nevada", "NH" : "New Hampshire", "NJ" : "New Jersey", "NM" : "New Mexico", "NY" : "New York", "NC" : "North Carolina", "ND" : "North Dakota", "OH" : "Ohio", "OK" : "Oklahoma", "OR" : "Oregon", "PA" : "Pennsylvania", "RI" : "Rhode Island", "SC" : "South Carolina", "SD" : "South Dakota", "TN" : "Tennessee", "TX" : "Texas", "UT" : "Utah", "VT" : "Vermont", "VA" : "Virginia", "WA" : "Washington", "WV" : "West Virginia", "WI" : "Wisconsin", "WY" : "Wyoming"}';

echo $jsonArr['VT']."<br/>";   // will return "Vermont"

// Build an HTML form SELECT pulldown with state acronyms as keys and the state names spelled out as display values:

$out="<select name='states'>";
foreach($jsonArr as $key=>$val){
    $out.="<option value='$key'>$val</option>";

echo "Select your state: $out";

Please feel free to use parts or all of this script below in your own PHP projects.  Some old school developers might remember 1999 hard-coding every state as an HTML SELECT option — yet, there are still web developers out there that spend time remaking these over and over.  Your company pays for this inefficiency in a big way — projects don’t get completed as fast as they could or should, for one.  Do you suspect your web department is complacent and inefficient?  Ask them what they are doing to be efficient and reduce code maintenance later.  If your web developers don’t have a clear answer, chances are they haven’t adapted in 5 years and your systems and code will reflect this apathy.

The Symfony documentation is getting better, but it still lacks more detail, which is why I’ve been collecting helpful tips and snippets here.  According to the Symfony docs, by default, the “redirectToRoute()" method performs a 302 (temporary) redirect, so in order to specify a 301 (permanent) redirect, you can add the third argument in this method within your controller and logic that would trigger a redirect.

public function indexAction()
    return $this->redirectToRoute('', array(), 301);  // 301 is where you can also specify 302


This is very simple.  For any file you want to have its own password protection, create an .htaccess file in the folder the file resides.  Just replace “pagename.html” for the file.  Then, just go to our .htpasswd password generator and create the .htpasswd file in the format:  username:password, where username is the name required to log in and “password” is the encrypted version of the password that shows in the tool in the link above under “Create new .htpasswd password file” and be sure to save your .htpasswd file in the absolute server path to the .htpasswd file.

AuthUserFile /home/user/path/to/.htpasswd
AuthName "name of login prompt"
AuthType Basic
<files “pagename.html”>
require valid-user

One more note, you don’t need to save the “.htpasswd” file by this name, any name will do.  Learn a lot more about .htaccess by visiting the official Apache website.  I like to put the commonly used snippets and tips on my site so they’re easy to find for me later.

–  Aaron Belchamber

Here’s how you can get the image width and height of an image file at a remote URL.

function getImgDims(url){
   var img = new Image();
   img.onload = function(){
      var rtnArr=Array;
      return rtnArr;

This will return an a multi-element associative array containing values under “width” and “height” as its keys.