Git error: “git dst refspec matches more than one”

“git dst refspec matches more than one”

You may get this error when pushing a commit to your repo.  The most likely suspect is that someone named a tag the exact name of the branch.  You can rename the tag or delete it and retry pushing the commit.

If you have a branch you typically keep open because it represents a very strict set of changes, like “Code_Cleanup” but you still want to tag the branches at logical intervals, add more details to the end of the tag.  I’ve seen some serialize the number or just append the date but either way avoid creating a tag name the same name as the branch unless you are sure the branch is going to be retired.

About Author:

Senior Cloud Software Engineer and 25+ years experienced video production, video editing and 3D animation services for a variety of global clients including local video production here in Jacksonville, Florida.

1 thought on “Git error: “git dst refspec matches more than one”

  1. Thank you for this, had to visit the dark side of the net (google page 2) to find this.
    But it was just what I needed.

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