Many websites are still displaying HTML tables with those “<table><tr><td>” tags.  The problem is, try loading a table that looks nice on your desktop computer onto a mobile device and chances are, parts of your table will no longer be visible on screen, or the table will resize and squish the content.  Tables aren’t meant to be resized so drastically, so the best solution would use HTML 5 structure and CSS to help your data look like a table but have the flexibility of breaking out of the table structure in your CSS media queries easily.

Here is a sample of the structure to imitate HTML tables without using those antiquated table tags.

<section style="display: table;">

  <header style="display: table-row;">

    <div style="display: table-cell;"></div>

    <div style="display: table-cell;"></div>

    <div style="display: table-cell;"></div>


  <div style="display: table-row;">

    <div style="display: table-cell;"></div>

    <div style="display: table-cell;"></div>

    <div style="display: table-cell;"></div>




Strange how obscure it is to find a clear example of how to just access or show the value of a cookie in Twig, so here it is!

{{      app.request.cookies.get('yourCookieHere')  }}

Twig is the templating engine that powers Symfony views.  Symfony is the PHP framework from Sensio Labs.

If you are a company that uses open-source software and developers and you are not using a PHP framework, you should consider migrating your legacy “cowboy” code to a collaborative, scalable framework like Symfony before it becomes a necessity for your company.  I have overseen many migrations of systems and data over the years and am available for consultation at my business consulting site at

– Aaron Belchamber

To enable shortcodes in WordPress excerpts you have to add this to your active theme’s (hopefully a child theme) functions.php file:

add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'shortcode_unautop');
add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'do_shortcode');

Here is a quick way to access all request variables and output them in a Symfony Twig view:

{% for request in app.request.query.all  %}
   {{ request|raw }}<br/>
{% endfor %}


Okay, so Sensio Lab’s Symfony is great, but those repositories are a bit limiting in their design scope.  I mean, how often do you need to access data through custom database queries and other cross referencing between database tables and not only use one table?  Of course, you’re going to have to combine database tables in even mildly complex website but Symfony’s repositories are designed to deal with one table and one “entity” referencing that table.

One way to make sure you are accessing other repositories from an entity’s repository is to overload the parent’s constructor by calling on the parent constructor first.  I actually stumbled onto this solution because I wanted to see what Symfony’s base Repository class’s constructor looked like.  Look familiar?  It passes in the entity manager ($em) and the repository’s class ($class).

protected $yourEntityRepo;

function __construct($em, $class){

   parent::__construct($em, $class);


Connect as many repositories as you need to this way.   Keep in mind that without the parent __construct params, you can still access the entity manager and get the repositories with $this->getManager(), this is just a convenient way to do it automatically and make other repositories available within the repository if you make those repositories class variables which would then be available in any method in the repository.